Thursday 17 April 2014

Tosyn Bucknor is beauty of the day!

Tosyn Bucknor

Tosin Bucknor never hides the fact that she has sickle cell anemia.. but she has risen above it to do wondrous things and have a fantastic life! I listen to Tosin on the radio and she is so full of life and bursting with energy..

She also organizes shows and awareness campaigns for the disease.. Like her Jeans for Genes/These Genes programme amongst others.. she is an inspiration and role model for every person to keep living!

Tosyn Bucknor is our Beauty of the day!


  1. I absolutely adore her. She gives me a whole lot of hope even when she hardly knows me and vice versa. Tosin you are my inspiration.

    Thanks Shallie! God bless for this.

    1. Awww... so glad to hear that..

      Thanks for stopping by x


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